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Bausch and Lomb offers state of the art range of hydrophobic intraocular lenses


Give your patients long-term clarity and quality of vision. Glistening is prevented, and material stability enhanced by Hydrating the lens to equilibrium water content so that it will neither gain nor lose water, Packaging the lens in physiological saline to eliminate fluid exchange with the aqueous humor. Abrasion resistance is increased due to improved surface durability6. 

Focus force3
FOCUSforce Hydrophobic IOL

FOCUSforce range of foldable 100% hydrophobic intraocular lenses provides high quality options for implantation during cataract surgeries. The lenses come with choice of aberration-free aspheric, spherical and MICS suitable spherical optic design, which have minimal glistening and provide better visual acuity. The material and design of the lenses ensure controlled unfolding of lenses at room temperature and good centration for different sizes of capsular bags.